Marketing Strategy Services

Everything begins with great ideas that are documented and planned. Lead generation, content creation, product launches, rebranding, and expanding into new markets all start with a solid go-to-market strategy.

Strategy - The Marketing Foundation

Lead generation, content creation, product launches, rebranding, and expanding into new markets all start with a solid go-to-market strategy. Advertas has been a strategic resource for our clients in technology and energy since 2004. We know the markets, business models, buying values of decision-makers, and economics. Focusing on business results, marketing, and business strategy is foundational to all we do for our clients. Strategy informs execution and is the compass that directs our marketing campaigns.

Marketing Strategy Compass

Inside Our Go-To-Market Strategy

Our marketing consultants are ready to work with you to form a custom marketing strategy that fits your business. Learn more about our go-to-market strategy planning below:

Go-To-Market Strategy Consulting

Advertas develops impactful go-to-market strategies that cast your company’s core competencies and critical differentiators in value-creation terms. A value proposition for your offering is created that aligns with your customers’ buying values. Advertas marketing consultants work with your stakeholders to identify short and long-term objectives and develop recommendations to achieve success through an integrated go-to-market strategy. Several elements make up the winning strategy, and the process below is designed to create a fit-for-purpose program that plays to your company’s strengths:

  • Assess customer outreach methods by segment
  • Evaluate customer database and CRM
  • Define buying personas
  • Update messaging
  • Plan campaigns

Put in place a solid strategy that is foundational to your marketing campaigns. Contact us for your free 30-minute strategy session.

Market Analysis

One of the most powerful tools in shaping your go-to-market strategy is knowing what your prospects really value in your company’s offering. The best business strategies are created in concert with customers. It sounds simple enough, but often technology providers do not have a sufficiently clear picture of the buying values of their customers. That’s where we can help. Our practice in helping shape our technology clients’ go-to-market strategy is based on a clinical process called Voice of the Customer (VOTC). Our VOTC methodology involves an investigation of the business impact of the prospective technology product or service. The results of VOTC are often stunning, revealing many things about the offering and provider, including:

  • Perception of value by customers
  • Potential impact on business and/or operations
  • Key trends in the industry relating to the offering
  • Awareness of the provider and/or offers by prospects/customers

VOTC also creates substantial goodwill. Prospects and customers appreciate technology providers who actively seek to obtain a detailed, objective view of their business needs. The VOTC methodology captures information from executives in a way that leaves a very positive impression and opens the door to follow-up by your sales team.

Competitive Analysis

Competition makes us better, and understanding the competitive landscape is vital in shaping your go-to-market strategy. The right perspective on others in the marketplace helps define how you will differentiate your products and services. Focused on technology in energy, the consultants at Advertas understand how tech companies can most effectively compete. Working closely with our client, we assemble a thorough competitive analysis for a product, product line, or your business.

Pricing Models

Pricing is a key element of your go-to-market strategy. The right pricing model affects revenue, net cash flow, and product perceptions. Pricing also reflects how your offering is to be sold. A successful product will provide value to your customers greater than the life-cycle cost. We understand that identifying, modeling, and communicating the value proposition for our client is fundamental to pricing products and services. Working closely with our client’s management team, our marketing consultants build pricing models based on several key influencers. Pricing models also provide the opportunity to perform sensitivity analysis – modeling how various price points and sales affect the business’s net income.

Find out how we can help you grow your business with our content marketing service.

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